Mac is a chatterbox during our car rides. He is watching everything--mostly looking for ambulances and bulldozers (but happy to see any emergency vehicle or construction equipment)--and speaking every thought that crosses his mind. This evening he brought a smile my face during the following conversation after we saw a motorcycle pass us and speed out of sight.
Mac: There's a motorcycle!!!! He's going FAST!!
Me: Yes, he's going too fast. It's not safe to go that fast, so he might get in trouble with a policeman.
Mac: He's gonna get spanking!!
Me: No, Mac grown-ups don't get spankings. They get worse things that spankings when they get in trouble. He might have to pay lots of money, or sometimes grown ups who get in lots of trouble have to go to jail.
Mac was quiet, apparently considering this information. I don't think it's ever occurred to him that grown-ups can get in trouble. I'm pretty sure he has no idea what jail is. The car ride continued normally, until another car passed us (this one was not speeding at all) and I hear from the back seat, "He's gonna be in TROUBLE!"
For the rest of the ride, any car that passed us (even if it was pulling up beside us at a red light), Mac exclaimed that that person would be in TROUBLE. Funny.
Got some cute pictures of Arden the other day...
Not a lot new in Arden's world. She's still a happy girl.
Loves her fingers. She's five months old now. 5 MONTHS!?!??! Wow.
And she rolls over now! So cute!
We went to a birthday party today. The girls were supposed to dress as princesses and the boys as knights. We had planned to be out of town this weekend but changed our plans at the last moment. So I whipped up a costume for Mac just before the party. He loved it--though he has no idea what a knight actually is. (And, he doesn't look like he's loving it in these pictures, so you'll have to take my word for it.)
When we arrived at the party, one of the other moms said, "Oh! A little crusader!" It's obvious, but I hadn't thought of it! I just put the red cross on his chest because I knew I'd seen it. I'd forgotten where I'd seen it. Is that a little un-PC of me? To dress my child as a crusader? (Wasn't there even a children's crusade? Did I dream that?) Is that offensive to people? It's not the brightest point of church history, to be sure. Hmm...oh well. It was done. I was thinking KNIGHT...not a certain kind of knight. He had a great time regardless.