When I asked Mac what he wanted for a snack today, he responded--with a completely serious look on his face--"A juicy insect."
{Background info: He's been really into a book about chameleons lately. In the book, the chameleon eats 'a juicy insect'. So it's FUNNY, but not completely out of the blue.}
I was planting flowers a few weeks ago in the front yard, almost finished, when Mac began pestering me for lunch. (Arden was napping.) I kept telling him I was almost done, but he kept telling me he was hungry, so I finally succumbed and came in and got him lunch. I left him eating at the table and ran out to plant my last couple flowers. A minute later, I heard yelling from inside the house. I stood up to come closer and find out what he was saying, and I heard, "MAY I BE 'SCUSED? MAY I BE 'SCUSED???" (Translation: "May I be excused?")
Along the same lines of the previous story: Saturday Brad and I were doing yard work in the backyard Saturday, Arden was napping, and Mac was running around, in and out of the house. He'd been inside for a little bit, and I wondered what he was up to. As I got closer to the back door, I heard yelling (again!). This time, "PLEASE WIPE MY BOTTOM!!!!!!!!!!! PLEASE!!!!!! WIPE MY BOOOOOTTTTOOOM!!!!! WIPE MY BOTTOM PLEASE!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!" I'm not sure how long he'd been waiting for me on the potty!
With both of these events, I've been thankful that Arden's room was an addition to our house and has bricks under the plaster! Nice sound insulation!