Why blog? I don't even have a facebook account...it feels like it makes life so public. But then--blogging is kind of like a diary, isn't it? It makes me feel a little like Doogie Houser at the end of the day--collecting my thoughts and putting them down. I don't want to blog because I want my life to be public (though I don't mind wearing my heart on my sleeve, most of the time) or because I'm a narcissist, but because these days of our young family are so precious I don't want to lose them to a faulty memory. This time, this stage, these moments truly are 'a time to keep', and blogging is simply the most convenient way to keep them and share them.

I really didn't think I'd ever start a blog...but now that Mac has stopped calling firetrucks "fire knuckles" (he now calls them firetrucks, and I'm so sad!), I realize I'll forget that he ever did that if I don't write it down. So, the blog begins. Welcome.

Saturday, January 8, 2011

Totally Random Thoughts From the Mind of a 3-Year-Old...and Somethings Sweet from Baby

Both these conversations occurred OUT OF NOWHERE.

Mac: Mom, what's Goliath's middle name?
Me: I don't know, Mac. The Bible doesn't tell us. Do you know what your middle name is?
Mac: Yes! Thomas Anderson!


Mac: Mom, what do dust bunnies actually eat?

(How does he even know the term "dust bunnies"? That's not what I call them!)


If you ask Arden, "What does mama say when it's time to rest?"
She sways (like we do in the rocking chair) and says, "Dees." (Her version of "Jesus"--for "Jesus Love Me".)

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