Why blog? I don't even have a facebook account...it feels like it makes life so public. But then--blogging is kind of like a diary, isn't it? It makes me feel a little like Doogie Houser at the end of the day--collecting my thoughts and putting them down. I don't want to blog because I want my life to be public (though I don't mind wearing my heart on my sleeve, most of the time) or because I'm a narcissist, but because these days of our young family are so precious I don't want to lose them to a faulty memory. This time, this stage, these moments truly are 'a time to keep', and blogging is simply the most convenient way to keep them and share them.

I really didn't think I'd ever start a blog...but now that Mac has stopped calling firetrucks "fire knuckles" (he now calls them firetrucks, and I'm so sad!), I realize I'll forget that he ever did that if I don't write it down. So, the blog begins. Welcome.

Saturday, December 12, 2009

Conversations with Mac

Mac only answers about 70% of non-yes-or-no questions. Here's how it goes:

Me: Mac, what did we do today?
Mac: Do.
Me: What did we do?
Mac: Do.
Me: Where did we go?
Mac: Go.
Me: Did we go to the store?
Mac: Ride truck store! (Reference to riding the truck cart at the grocery store.)
Me: What did we buy at the store?
Mac: Buy.
Me: Yes, that's right we bought something. What did we buy?
Mac: Buy.
Me: Did we buy bananas?
Mac: Bananas and apples!

He also answers "yes ma'am", "yup", or "uh-huh" to all yes-or-no questions. (He never answers "no" to anything.) So, if I'm trying to figure out if he's done something he shouldn't have done...I ask and he always answers yes.

Me: Mac, did you eat play dough?
Mac: Uh-huh.
Me: Mac, did you make baby Arden cry?
Mac: Yup.
Me: Mac, did you throw the ball in the house?
Mac: Yes Ma'am.

So this helps nothing. It's a brilliant strategy if you think about it. Always say yes...mom doesn't know when to believe you...but can't accuse you of denying anything.

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