Why blog? I don't even have a facebook account...it feels like it makes life so public. But then--blogging is kind of like a diary, isn't it? It makes me feel a little like Doogie Houser at the end of the day--collecting my thoughts and putting them down. I don't want to blog because I want my life to be public (though I don't mind wearing my heart on my sleeve, most of the time) or because I'm a narcissist, but because these days of our young family are so precious I don't want to lose them to a faulty memory. This time, this stage, these moments truly are 'a time to keep', and blogging is simply the most convenient way to keep them and share them.

I really didn't think I'd ever start a blog...but now that Mac has stopped calling firetrucks "fire knuckles" (he now calls them firetrucks, and I'm so sad!), I realize I'll forget that he ever did that if I don't write it down. So, the blog begins. Welcome.

Tuesday, January 12, 2010

Bedtime Prayer

We pray at bedtime with Mac, and have recently asked him if he wants to pray. He has always declined. But tonight when I was tucking him in (Brad was leading a Bible Study), I asked him if he wanted to pray and he said, "Uh-huh."

So I told him to go ahead. Then, the sweetest voice you've ever heard:

thank you...
thank you...
thank you...

I was wiping tears from my face. This is the first prayer he's ever said completely on his own, with no help from us. Such a priceless moment!

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