Why blog? I don't even have a facebook account...it feels like it makes life so public. But then--blogging is kind of like a diary, isn't it? It makes me feel a little like Doogie Houser at the end of the day--collecting my thoughts and putting them down. I don't want to blog because I want my life to be public (though I don't mind wearing my heart on my sleeve, most of the time) or because I'm a narcissist, but because these days of our young family are so precious I don't want to lose them to a faulty memory. This time, this stage, these moments truly are 'a time to keep', and blogging is simply the most convenient way to keep them and share them.

I really didn't think I'd ever start a blog...but now that Mac has stopped calling firetrucks "fire knuckles" (he now calls them firetrucks, and I'm so sad!), I realize I'll forget that he ever did that if I don't write it down. So, the blog begins. Welcome.

Thursday, January 7, 2010

Poor Baby!

(As a mom of young children, you lose all qualms regarding poo...talking about it, wiping it, washing it, finding it on walls, whatever. Poo. It's a part of life. So if you don't have young children, or never have had young children...and you have hesitations talking about poo...maybe don't read this post.)

So poo has been a theme today. First thing this morning, Mac informed us that he was pooping: "Mac pooping!" (Normal.) Then, he pointed at the floor and said, "Mac's poop!" (Not normal.) Sure enough...some of it had toppled right out of his diaper, down his pant leg, and on to the floor in a nice neat pile. Hello poop.

But the more serious poop happened this afternoon. I changed Arden's diaper and found blood in it. My sister had this happen with her baby, and I recently read that it's not uncommon--so I didn't freak out. But I did call the doctor. They told me to come in.

So I took Arden (and her latest diapers--evidence, you know) to the doctor. He looked at her, felt her tummy (she didn't seem bothered at all by that--a good sign), looked at the diapers, checked out her ears (she was in this week for an ear infection) and chest. He suspects that the blood is irritation caused by the antibiotic she's been on this week. They are sending her diapers to a lab to have them checked for bacterial infection--a rare occurrence, and apparently not terribly serious, but important to know. The kicker is that one of her ears is WORSE than it was Monday. So, not only are the antibiotics possibly caused some irritation, they also are apparently not working. They can't prescribe something stronger because it would only be more irritating to her belly...

SO, my little 10 week old ladybug had to get a big nasty shot of antibiotics in her leg. The nurse's exact words, as I recall, were , "Sorry the needle is so big. It's a thick solution. Now, it's going to burn going in." Followed by heartbreaking shrieks that were not quick (like a vaccine) but drawn out because it's one of those shots that has to go in slowly. And lots of blood because the needle was so big. Ugh. I wanted to take it all away.

And, it's likely that she'll have to have another one of these nightmarish sticks tomorrow, and possibly Saturday as well. Poor baby!! I wish I could take it all away, have the ear infection for her and get the shots for her!

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