Why blog? I don't even have a facebook account...it feels like it makes life so public. But then--blogging is kind of like a diary, isn't it? It makes me feel a little like Doogie Houser at the end of the day--collecting my thoughts and putting them down. I don't want to blog because I want my life to be public (though I don't mind wearing my heart on my sleeve, most of the time) or because I'm a narcissist, but because these days of our young family are so precious I don't want to lose them to a faulty memory. This time, this stage, these moments truly are 'a time to keep', and blogging is simply the most convenient way to keep them and share them.

I really didn't think I'd ever start a blog...but now that Mac has stopped calling firetrucks "fire knuckles" (he now calls them firetrucks, and I'm so sad!), I realize I'll forget that he ever did that if I don't write it down. So, the blog begins. Welcome.

Monday, October 12, 2009

abc mama!

This is what we hear, over and over again, every day:
"abc mama!" or "abc daddy!"

Translation: mom (or dad), please sing the abc's!

So, we do. Most of the time. But as soon as I finish one round of the abc's, a little toddler voice calls, "abc mama!"...and if I'm feeling patient and generous, I'll sing it again...but if I'm feeling worn out (after all, I've already sung the abc's 30 times that day), I say, "Mac, YOU sing the abc's!"

But he doesn't. Not yet. Oh, what a day that will be.

This weekend, there was a glimmer of hope: If I sing "abcdefghijk----" and stop, he'll shout a word that sounds like "elle-mmmmmm--elle--oh--p!" And when I get to the end ("Now I know my abc's, next time won't you sing with me?"), he repeats "Now I knowa, now I knowa, now I knowa!"

Oh--another detail of the abc's--if both parents are present but only one is singing, Mac will not be happy until BOTH of us are belting out the abc's. Sometimes we indulge this and sometimes we don't. We are SO looking forward to the day when he can sing them himself!

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